Friday 12 August 2022

News from Cygnet Wooden Boats August 12, 2022 at 07:54AM

LOOKING BACK. January 2018 we held the launch of two charming, Mrs Wilsons Rowing Dinghys! "Presenting the Mrs Wilsons Rowing Dingys ISABELLA and POOLTAH. (Seahorse) Designed by Walter Paisley in 1872 and built by Alison Pit and Jurgen Harder at Cygnet Wooden Boats under the supervision of Jeremy Clowes. Launched at Robleys Point Port Cygnet January 2018." Some history with thanks to the Tasmanian Maritime Museum: "John Wilson married Dinah Goodby in 1872 and soon presented her with this dinghy. Every Monday and Friday during their married life Dinah would row the 10 km between Cygnet and her husband's workplace at Esperance. She was still rowing it 65 years later aged 88. Mr Wilson had the dinghy built by ex convict Walter Paisley who was a youngster at Point Puer. He received a pardon in 1847 but remained a probationer for 15 years."